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ÁGORA launch with the presence of Michelle Bachelet

Last Wednesday, November 8, was the official launch of ÁGORA, which had former president Michelle Bachelet as the main speaker.

The former president focused on the international context and the challenges ahead. She emphasized that it is necessary to solve institutional issues and the functioning of democracy, which is at risk. Bachelet was optimistic about the contribution that spaces like ÁGORA can make to the reflection and work of future governments in Uruguay.

After the former president's words, Gabriel Oddone expressed reflections on the challenges that Uruguay faces. He shared the lines and ways of working of AGORA. He also emphasized the need to go one step further as a country and not only lay out the expected direction of the changes but also the political economy of how to do it.

The event was attended by former President José Mujica, Minister of Labor Pablo Mieres, Ambassador of Chile Rodrigo Hume, Ambassador of France Jean Paul Seytre, Former President of IDB and BCU Enrique Iglesias, Representatives of CAF Francois Borit and Miguel Ángel Ostos, Representative of the IDB Luiz Ros, OAS Representative in Uruguay Claudia Barrientos, Director of UN Women Uruguay programs Magdalena Furtado, Rector of the University of the Republic Rodrigo Arim, senators, deputies, members of business and union chambers.

We were also accompanied by members of the organization and many very close people who intend to join. We are really very happy about the meeting and we hope that many more people come to ÁGORA.

In the following video you can see a summary of the event.


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